We Ain't Got No Logo

Design The Logo!

 Hey! We really want a cool logo for the Society to Protect Minor League Baseball in Northern California! Don't you? Well, help us design one, and we'll make you a member for life! Now, this may not sound like much, but trust us - this is an incredible deal for you! Really!
 So, if you have a cool idea for a logo, sketch it out, or draw it on your computer, or whatever, and send it to us. If it is in electronic form, send it via e-mail, to SPMNBC@scroom.com. You can also send sketches to us via snail mail at:
SPMBNC Logo Contest
c/o SCROOMtimes
1918 Maryland St
Redwood City, CA

 So, get out those pens and pencils, fire up that copy of Photoshop, and get to work! A couple of things to take into account:
  • The logo has to have something to do with the subject - baseball. In Northern California. Beer. Read the description of the SPMBNC for more information.
  • Also include the motto of the SPMBNC - "Carpe Beerum!".
  • Don't get too fancy - this logo will be reprinted on t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc... if it's too complicated, it will look loike crap

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